Network Rail – Stations
Client: Network Rail
Working in connection with Network Rail, mcfeaze. set out to produce a versatile design to enable the redevelopment of the existing station building infrastructure across the railway network. With many of the small to medium sized stations all across the country of a heritage construction and either falling into disrepair or have become unusable spaces, the concept design needed to address practical usage and to be able to stand the test of time.

The initial concept designs were to preserve the historic nature of the buildings and infrastructure, while amalgamating modern and futuristic architectural features, sustainable energy facilities and connect a functional building back to the community.

Taking inspiration from across Europe and larger hub stations in the UK, large sections of glazing opened up previously darkened spaces and linked separate “outbuildings” creating cover from the elements and enlarging the stations usable floor area.

With the introduction of pods and retail units within the concourse, areas connected with a flow from trough routes to comfortable social areas. Individual work pods allowed connectivity, enabling spaces which can be utilised to continue working while commuting or hired out for mutual meeting spaces.
While the concept designs and functionality of this project were the main purpose of the project, mcfeaze. undertook a feasibility cost study, along with life cycle costing for the redevelopment scheme, to ensure the submission and proposed concept were financially achievable.